Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A Personal Breakthrough Came From Understanding Childhood Brokenness

I've experienced a number of breakthroughs in my life in which I have seen God's hand peeling back the layers of my brokenness to deliver me from addictive behavior and depression, among other things. One significant milestone came after digesting the material in Jack Frost's book about departing from Slavery into Spiritual Sonship.

I identified with Mr. Frost as he spoke frankly of his own failures, and I began to long for the peace and order that came to his life through what God taught him. It made me realize how much of my life I viewed through the eyes of an orphan, even though in my mind, I knew my relationship with God should be as His son. If, like me, you have ever had difficulty putting together the pieces of your life, if you have ever felt life was somewhat out of control, you too may benefit from Jack Frost's insight in "Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship".